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2018 / 12 / 15 / 2019 / 1 / 12 held! Frigid foot pass at Tateiwa water source!

Hello, this is Mikorin.

The town in Minamioguni is getting colder and colder! Since snow has not yet fallen, I have not changed it to a studless tire, but it is cold every day. .

Today is an introduction of the footpath event to be held at Tateiwa Watersource!

Tateiwa Water Foot Path

In the summer it is a rocky water source that can sneak out, but this time we will do a footpath monitor event in the midwinter!

To be honest, I think that it is quite cold ... firmly taking measures against cold weather, walking around nature with everyone, enjoying the season and the natural nature! Please feel free to come (^ ^)

Also, it will not be held in winter, so it will be a valuable experience! Please join us by all means.

This is the state of last meeting.

This is the state of the water source.

And this time! We also have Omikuji where letters float on water with this water source. Why do not you try fortune telling with clean water source of water?


Please make reservation from below application form.
【Reservation page】https://ws.formzu.net/fgen/S19658779/

■ Date and time:
NUM2018 / 12 / 15 (Sat) 10: 00 to 13: 00
NUM2019 / 1 / 12 (Sat) 10: 00 to 13: 00

■ Meeting place: Tateiwa Water Source Park

■ Participation fee: free (※ participation fee is free, but insurance fee · lunch fee is required 500 yen)

■ Application Inquiries: Minamioguni-machi Tourist Association 0967-42-1444 (Contact: Kida)